Our famous bi-yearly stocktake sale is back!

So come by and help us clear the shelves!

All month (both January and June) find up to 50% off on selected items! This sale will be available all month or until stock sells out.

No lists, just pop in and load your basket with great goodies from around the world.

Why is our stocktake sale so awesome?

  • You can replace that fancy Riedel decanter you broke last week without breaking the bank,
  • You just got yourselves a great reason to re-stock the fridges, shelves, cupboards, under the bed secret stashes, future gifts to in-laws, MAGNUMS etc.
  • It provides motivation to start a wine collection for the cellar, Liquor cabinet, flashy back bar,
  • It gives an excuse for coming to the shop to admire our labels obsessively put by yours truly,
  • It is exercising; cardio – running to decanters and walking around the aisles – upper body workout – carrying all the goodies you found,
  • You can finally try that funky Italian you have been looking at for weeks
  • Champagne on sale; YES

Counting is a drag so please help us…